Dr. Enriketa Papa-Pandelejmon
Visiting Fellow 2017
From July to September 2017 the Albanian historian Dr. Enriketa Papa-Pandelejmoni (Tirana) is visiting the Leibniz Institute for East and South Eastern Europe Research and the Graduate School for East and South Eastern Europe Studies in Regensburg with a DAAD-Stipendiary Fellowship. Papa-Pandelejmoni is a member of the Historical Institute of the University of Tirana. She studied New South-East European history at the University of Tirana and the Karl Franzens University in Graz, Austria. In 2013, she was awared her Ph.D. from the Karl-Franzens-University.
She is currently investigating the relationship between history and memory studying the memory of the Communist past in Albania. The key aim of the project is to define the conflicting narratives of the history of Albanian communism, the processes of appropriation, forgetting and remembering as well as social practices of the memorial culture in Albanian society.
- Visiting Fellow of the Leibniz Institute for East and South Eastern Europe Research and the Graduate School for East and South Eastern Europe Studies in Regensburg, July - September 2017
Publications (selected)
Edited Books and Journal Issues
With A. Hemming; G. Kera (Hrsg): Albania. Family, Society and Culture in the 20th Century. Münster, 2012.
With G. Kera: Women’s and Gender History in Albania. In: Aspasia 2013, S. 132-213.
With G. Kera: Marriage in Urban Albania (1918). In: Journal of the History of the Family, (2) 2008, S. 126-137.