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The “Forum” is an irregular, but frequent series of events in which the Graduate School engages with the wider, also non-academic public. Its main goal is to share knowledge about current developments in Eastern and Southeastern Europe with a wider audience, highlighting the relevance of the region for Germany and Europe.

By participating in these events, or co-organising them, our doctoral students practice how to translate research results into relatable language. They also gain experience in more experiential forms of science communication, for example, through cooperation with artists. The Forum helps the Graduate School support the University in its mission to be a public knowledge provider in the service of citizens. Furthermore, it helps our members to reach out to journalists and other key communicators.

Many of the Forum events of the GS are organised with its trusted partners, such as the IOS, the Leibniz ScienceCampus, or donumenta e.V.

An overview of our former public lectures is available to download here.

The Forum lectures are usually recorded and made public on the school’s YouTube channel.