Speakers & Management
Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer
Professor of Southeast and East European History
- Speaker of the GS OSES Regensburg -
Prof. Dr. Mirja Lecke
Professor of Slavic Literatures and Cultures
- Deputy Speaker of the GS OSES Regensburg -
Dr. Heidrun Hamersky
Managing Director
Maria Höferer
Tim Kapsreiter-Homeyer
Student Assistant
Prof. Dr. Katrin Boeckh
Professor of East and Southeast European History (IOS)
Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer
Professor of Southeast and East European History
- Speaker of the GS OSES Regensburg -
Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske
Professor of Spatial Dimensions of Cultural Processes
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchenau
Professor of Southeast and East European History
Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat
Professor of American Studies
Prof. Dr. Ger Duijzings
Professor of Social Anthropology
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin
Professor of the Dynamics of Virtual Communication Spaces
Director of the Digital Area Studies Lab (DAS|LAB)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Graser
Professor of Public Law and Policy, esp. European, International, and Comparative Law
Prof. Dr. Björn Hansen
Professor of Slavic Philology
Prof. Dr. Guido Hausmann
Professor of Southeast and East European History, Head of the History Division of the Leibniz-Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS/Regensburg)
Prof. Dr. Sabine Koller
Professor of Slavic-Jewish Studies
Prof. Dr. Rike Krämer-Hoppe
Professor of Transnational Norm Development - Law Faculty
PD Dr. Katharina Kucher
Head of the editorial office of the Yearbooks for the History of Eastern Europe (JGO)
Prof. Dr. Mirja Lecke
Professor of Slavic Literatures and Cultures
- Deputy Speaker of the GS OSES Regensburg -
Prof. Dr. Rainer Liedtke
Professor of European History of the 19th and 20th Centuries
Prof. Dr. Marek Nekula
Professor of Bohemian and Western Slavic Studies, Head of the Bohemicum
Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan
Professor of Transregional Cultures of Knowledge
Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer
Professor of Economic and Social History
apl. Prof. Dr. Natali Stegmann
Professor of East- and Central European History
- Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer -
Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann
Professor of Sociological Dimensions of Space
Prof. Dr. Juliane Tomann
Junior Professor of Public History
- Equal Opportunity Officer -
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
Andi Balla, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History (associated, IOS)
Elia Bescotti, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Political Science (associated, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, BMBF)
Magdalena Daller, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History
Drivalda Delia, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology
Miloš Đurović, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology
Lena-Marie Franke, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Slavic Studies
Nikola Gajić, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology (associated, IOS)
Rina Geci, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology
Artur Hilgenberg, M.A.
PhD Candidate in East European History
Fatos Hoxha, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History
Marina Israilova, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology (associated)
Julia Kubasiak (neé Kling), M.A.
PhD Candidate in Southeast European History
Olha Martyniuk, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History (associated, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, DAAD)
Damjan Matković, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History (associated, Universität Regensburg, DFG)
Jon Matlack, M.A.
PhD Candidate in American Studies (associated, Leibniz ScienceCampus)
Oleksandr Nadtoka, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Southeast and East European History
Efthalia Prokopiou, M.A.
PhD Candidate in American Studies (associated, Leibniz ScienceCampus)
Yulia Pyankova, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History
Daniel Schrader, M.A.
PhD Candidate in East European History
Igor Stipić, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology (associated, Leibniz ScienceCampus)
Olga Trufanova, M.A.
PhD Candidate in East European History
Jana Vinga Martins, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Public History (associated, Universität Regensburg)
Vita Zelenska, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology (associated, Leibniz ScienceCampus)
Sara Žerić Đulović , M.A.
PhD Candidate in Southeast and East European History (associated, IOS)
Postdoctoral Researchers
Dr. Volha Bartash
Postdoctoral Researcher in History/Anthropology
Bavarian Program "Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching"
Dr. Jacqueline Nießer
Postdoctoral Researcher in Anthropology/Cultural Studies
Visiting Fellows
Sarah Grandke, M.A.
Visiting Doctoral Fellow
Barbara Wimmer-Bulin, M.A.
Visiting Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Annelie Bachmaier
Research Associate / TU Dresden
Dr. Kathleen Beger
Dr. Alice Buzdugan
Tila de Almeida Mendonça, M.A.
Predoctoral Researcher
Caroline Emig, M.A.
Scientific Researcher / Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial
Dr. Beate Feldmeier
Dr. David Franz
Studienrat at Michaeli-Gymnasium Munich
Dr. Barbara Frey
Dr. Stefan Gužvica
Assistant Professor / National Research University Higher School of Economics / Saint Petersburg
Anna Ivanova, M.A.
Jovana Jović, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Slavic Studies (associated, Universität Regensburg, DFG)
Dr. Jana Kantoříková
Dr. Henner Kropp
Dr. Ana-Teodora Kurkina
Frederik Lange, M.A.
Miloš Lecić, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History (associated, University of Regensburg, DFG)
Dr. Daniela Mathuber
Cornelius Merz, M.A.
PhD Candidate in History (associated, Leibniz ScienceCampus)
Magdolna Molnár, M.A.
PhD Researcher / BTU Cottbus Senftenberg
Bajro Murić, M.A.
former PhD Candidate in Slavic Philology
Dr. Jacqueline Nießer
Niklas Platzer, M.A.
European University Institute / Florence
Dr. Anna Poznańska (neé Juraschek)
Dr. Jeremias Schmidt
City Archive Ulm
Dr. Oana-Valentina Sorescu Iudean
Emanuel Tatu, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature
Dr. Andrey Vozyanov
Dr. Dóra Vuk
Research Associate at Egon Zehnder (Executive Search Company) / Budapest
Dr. Veronika Wald
Dr. Eva-Maria Walther
Dr. Peter Wegenschimmel
University of Kassel Archives
Daniela Weinbach, M.A.
former PhD Candidate in Romance Studies (associated, Leibniz ScienceCampus)
Former Members and Fellows
Prof. Dr. Melanie Arndt
Chair for economic, social and environmental history at Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
Prof. em. Dr. Dres. h. c. Rainer Arnold
Professor Emeritus of Law
Prof. Dr. Nebi Bardhoshi
Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies in Tirana
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2015
Dr. Alexander Bikbov
Vising Fellow May 2022
Dr. Čarna Brković
Lecturer, Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, University of Goettingen
Prof. Dr. Kamila Budrowska
Visiting Fellow September-November 2022
in Cooperation with the Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg
Dr. Kateryna Busol
Visiting Fellow March-April 2022
Dr. Iasonas Chandrinos
Visiting Fellow 2016
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Cullen-Dunn
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2016
Prof. Dr. Ivaylo Ditchev (†)
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2018
Dr. Lucie Dušková
Visiting Fellow 2017/18
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Gelhard
Professor of Comparative Literature
Dr. Nikica Gilić
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2014
Dr. Adrian Grama
Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg
Deputy Director, Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO)
Dr. Hristo Hristozov
Visiting Fellow 2020
Post-doctoral researcher at "St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia
Prof. Dr. Stefaan Jansen
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2015
Prof. Dr. Peeter Järvelaid
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2014/15
Ivan Jeličić, M.A.
Visiting Fellow 2015
Prof. Dr. Heike Karge
Professor of Southeast European History
PD Dr. habil. Petar Kehayov
Substitute Professor of Fino-Ugric Studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich (Winter term 2020/21)
Dr. Halyna Khomenko
Visiting Fellow May-September 2022
PD Dr. habil. Friederike Kind-Kovács
Vertretung der Professur für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, TU Dresden (Winter term 2020/21)
Dr. Michal Kopeček
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2014
Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Walter Koschmal
Professor Emeritus of Slavic Literature
Prof. Dr. Christina Koulouri
Visiting Fellow 2019
Prof. Dr. Kateřina Králová
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2018
Dr. Ilona Lechner
Visiting Fellow May-October 2022
PD Dr. Anna-Dorothea Ludewig
Researcher at Moses Mendelssohn Center and lecturer at Potsdam University
Prof. Dr. Irmela von der Luehe
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2014
Prof. Dr. Anna Mazurkiewicz
Visiting Fellow April-July 2022
in Cooperation with the Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Zoran Milutinović
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2017
Dr. Irina Morozova
Affiliated Researcher / Habilitandin at Universität Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Caitlin Murdock
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2018
PD Dr. Vasile Mihai Olaru
Visiting Fellow 2022/2023
Irina Onofrei
Visiting Fellow 2018/19
Dr. Oliver Panichi
Visiting Fellow 2017
Dr. Enriketa Papa-Pandelejmon
Visiting Fellow 2017
Vlad Pașca
Visiting Fellow 2015
Dr. Tanja Petrović
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2016
Prof. Dr. Piotr Piotrowski (†)
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2013
Prof. Dr. Oliver Reisner
Professor in European and Caucasian Studies
Visiting Fellow 2020
Thomas Rohringer
Visiting Fellow 2019
Eva Schwab
Visiting Fellow 2016
Prof. Dr. Alexander M. Semyonov
Honorary Research Associate, Visiting Fellow 2016
Dr. Marsha Siefert
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2013
Dubravka Stojanović
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2017
Dr. habil. Mikołaj Szoltysek
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2017
Dr. Gianfranco Tamburelli
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2014
Prof. Dr. Maria Todorova
Honorary Research Associate
Visiting Fellow 2015
PD Dr.habil. Jasper Trautsch
Researcher at the Institute for the History of Western Europe and Transatlantic Relations at Humboldt University, Berlin
Eva-Maria Walther, M.A.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Anthropology
Dr. Maria Zarifi
Visiting Fellow 2015
Dr. Miha Zobec
Visiting Fellow 2021