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Why Regensburg?

The GS OSES at the University of Regensburg aims to deliver you an excellent doctoral education in the inspiring atmosphere of a modern University (founded in 1967), located in one of the most beautiful medieval cities in Germany (UNESCO World Heritage). Part of our founding mandate is to act as a bridge between Western and Eastern Europe and this has become a distinguishing feature of the University that is constantly developing.

Regensburg is home to important research institutes, excellent specialised libraries and research projects dealing with Eastern and Southeastern Europe. The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies and the Institute of East European Law are institutional members of the Graduate School. The GS works closely together with the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Europe and America in the Modern World”, which shares the GS’s mission to enhance the profile of Area Studies in Regensburg. Through your membership at GS OSESUR, you will be part of this dynamic, innovative and international research community and join a network of leading experts. Moreover, you will interact with other faculty, postdocs and doctoral fellows to make your time in Regensburg truly memorable. Due to a long lasting cooperation with the GS OSESLMU, you will also benefit from exchanges and manifold cooperation activities (i.e. Summer School, workshops) with the LMU in Munich.

Life as a Graduate Researcher at GS OSESUR

As a PhD fellow at GS OSESUR, you will enjoy a supportive and stimulating environment in which you can reach your full potential. This includes financial support through a 3.5 year scholarship (of €1.468 per month, currently), travel grants, academic guidance and a sense of community throughout your time at GS OSESUR. You will have access to up-to-date research facilities and infrastructure (office space, IT equipment and support, easy access to libraries and online resources). Our PhD researchers organise their own Annual Graduate Workshop, which is a chance to showcase their research to their peers. To enhance your publication experience at an early stage of your research, you are encouraged to contribute to our weblog on Memory cultures (run by GS OSESLMU). Successful doctoral candidates get the chance to publish their thesis in the Graduate School’s book series “Schnittstellen”, which is published by the renowned academic publishing house "Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht". Doctoral researchers are also encouraged to submit their work to the area journals of the IOS and to contribute to them as book reviewers.

As member of our Graduate School, you will have access to a wide-ranging programme of training sessions and workshops to help you grow as a researcher and prepare for your career, whether in or outside of academia. Find out more about the career development opportunities the University Regensburg offers to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers here.

You can watch some of our current and former doctoral fellows talk about their GS OSESUR experience on our YouTube channel.

Our Graduate Researchers – Key Facts (2019)

  • During the first funding period (2012-2019), the GS OSES at LMU Munich and Universität Regensburg accepted a total of 61 doctoral candidates (43 of whom were supported by funds from the GS);
  • 57.5% of them were women, 42.5% men;
  • About half of the Ph.D. candidates came from outside Germany. Six people of German citizenship were born in other countries; four have a so-called “migration background”.

For more information on pursuing a doctorate at the Universität Regensburg (formalities such as enrolment) or to learn more about the services for international PhD students, visit these pages of the Universität Regensburg website:

Center for Graduate & Postgraduate Researchers (WIN)

Welcome Center