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Course Schedule Summer Term 2024

Required Courses


27.10., 14:15, 319
Spitting on the Streets of Grosny. Culturedness and Social Distinction in a Multinational Soviet City
Walter Sperling (Bonn/Berlin) read more
21.11., 14:15, 319
Approaching Southeastern Europe from Brussels: Migration Policies as Security and Stability Instruments for the EU
Ruth Ferrero-Turrión (Madrid) read more
30.01., 14:15, 319
Socialist Modernist Worldmaking: Yugoslav Interventions in the International
Humanitarian Debates in the 1970s
Čarna Brković (Mainz) read more
06.02., 14:15, 319
Speaking Hebrew in the Russian Empire: Uri Nissan Gnessin's Poetics of Literary Dubbing
Natasha Gordinsky (Haifa) read more

Annual Graduate Workshop


Chapter Workshop


Study Groups

16.10., 10:00-11:30, 109
Study Group "Representation, Narration"
13.11., 10:00-11:30, 109
11.12., 10:00-11:30, 109
15.01.25, 10:00-11:30, 109
05.02.25, 10:00-11:30, 109
23.10, 14:00-16:00, tba
Study Group "Ethnographic Methods and Research Ethics"

Theory and Methods

25.10., 10-14, 017
Monuments, Murals, and Minefields: A Workshop on Researching Post-Conflict Sites of Memory
Katarina Damčević (Regensburg), Vjeran Pavlaković (Rijeka)
05.-07.11., 122
Using Digital Tools and Generative AI for Writing
Katarina Damčević (Regensburg), Djuddah Leijen (Tartu)
05.-06.12., BA.806
Space Matters. Community Matters. Writing a Thesis Alone together with the Help of Social and Spatial Science Approaches
Anna Steigemann (Regensburg)
24.01.25, 9-17, 017
Researching (in) Remote Areas: Preparing, Conducting, and Reflection on Ethnograpic Methods
Mélanie Sadozaϊ (Regensburg)

Optional Courses

Transferable Skills

18.10., 10:00-13:00, 017
Writing Groups and Peer-Feedback
Katarina Damčević (Regensburg)


24.10., 10-17, 017
Career Orientation Workshop
Patrizia Pawelek (München)
29.10., 9-15, 122
Applications for International Postdocs: Training for Early-Career Researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Tatiana Klepikova (Regensburg)


11.11., 17:30-19, 017
Refugee Support and Moral Practice in Slovakia [will be held in German]
Eva-Maria Walther (Fulda)
10.12., 19:00, Evangelisches Bildungswerk
Ukraine: Menschenrechte in Zeiten des Krieges
Yevgenija Belorusets (Kyjiv/Berlin), Guido Hausmann und Antje Himmelreich (Regensburg)

Guest Lecture

07.11., 14:15, SG Raum 214
Satire and Modernity: Subversive Literature in Mexico and Russia from 1968 to 2008
Elisa Kriza (Bamberg)
26.11., 16:15, 017
Intersectional Critique
Jennifer Ramme (Graz)