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Anti-Gender Movements and Regional Contestations of LGBTQ+ Rights and Gender Equality in the Context of Russia's War in Ukraine
Maryna Shevtsova (Leuven)
- Beginning:
- Thursday, 18 January 2024 14:15
On 18 January 2024 we will welcome Maryna Shevtsova to our Regensburg Research Colloquium. She will give a lecture on "Anti-Gender Movements and Regional Contestations of LGBTQ+ Rights and Gender Equality in the Context of Russia's War in Ukraine". The lecture will be held in English.
The so-called clash of European and traditional family values has for years served as a political tool for various actors andhas culminated in turning into one of the justifications for Russia's aggression against Ukraine. The idea behind this talk isto reflect on
how the shifting regional security landscape is reconfiguring the struggles between opponents of sexual andgender equality and LGBTQ movements in Ukraine and Georgia with the full-fledged Russian aggression, on the one
hand,and increased credibility of EU membership and approximation of the countries in the EU neighborhood with Brussels. Thetalk will discuss how the full-scale invasion has engendered an unlikely coalition between right-wing and LGBTQ groups inUkraine as part of a fight for the nation’s survival and emancipation from Russia. Building on a combination of qualitativemethods, including critical discourse analysis and frame analysis, the talk will provide original evidence on how theRussian invasion of Ukraine reconfigures anti-genderism and its effects on LGBTQ lives in the Eastern European regioncontributing to ongoing debates on the role gender and sexuality play within international security.
Maryna Shevtsova:
See here
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