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Digital Ethnography. Methodological Approaches and Research Ethics

Volha Bartash (GS OSES)

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 12:00
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 18:00

From 16 to 17 May 2023 our Postdoctoral researcher, Volha Bartash, is offering the workshop “Digital Ethnography. Methodological Approaches and Research Ethics” for Doctoral researchers and advanced MA students .



Anthropologists have long used digital tools and methods in addition to ethnographic fieldwork. However, it was not before the coronavirus pandemic that many scholars and social scientists had to switch to digital fieldwork. The ruptures caused by the pandemic are not over. Furthermore, many East European studies scholars continue facing difficulties in accessing their field sites (and archives) due to ongoing military conflicts and political repressions.

Born out of necessity, digital ethnography made scholars exploring new possibilities and rethinking some of the core principles of fieldwork. Can one see a virtual space as a field site? What are the advantages and limitations of participant observation in the social media and internet forums? When is it appropriate to use text interviewing? The use of online platforms and digital tools raises new ethical concerns that have to do with the principles of anonymity, confidentiality, and privacy.

This theory & methods workshop invites advanced MA students, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to exchange ideas and reflect about their own practices of digital fieldwork and interviewing. We will not only discuss methodological and ethical issues but engage in problem-solving and risk assessment activities. Our final goal is to develop practical tips on online qualitative research and ethics.

To register for this workshop, please send an email to graduiertenschule@ur.de or volha.bartash@geschichte.uni-regensburg.de by 28 April 2023.


Volha Bartash, Postdoctoral researcher at GS OSESUR


Landshuter Straße 4, 93047 Regensburg, room 017 (ground floor)
