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Socialist Modernist Worldmaking: Yugoslav Interventions in the International Humanitarian Debates in the 1970s

Čarna Brković (Mainz)

Thursday, 30 January 2025 14:15

On 30 January 2025 we will welcome Čarna Brković to our Regensburg Research Colloquium. She will give a lecture on "Socialist Modernist Worldmaking: Yugoslav Interventions in the International Humanitarian Debates in the 1970s". The lecture will be held in English.

The Red Cross of Yugoslavia invited the International Red Cross Movement in the 1970s to reconsider its humanitarian principles and include perspectives from the countries belonging to the Non-Aligned Movement. The organization created an alternative humanitarian imaginary that both challenged and reproduced the premises of the humanitarian sector in the West. This largely forgotten episode in the history of humanitarianism presented an attempt at worldmaking, not of a world free from the coloniality/modernity nexus, but of a socialist modernist world that was in many aspects different from the one that had been built since the 1970s.

Čarna Brković:

She has been a Professor of Cultural Studies/European Ethnology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz since 2023.
For more details see: https://culture.ftmk.uni-mainz.de/people/prof-dr-carna-brkovic/

Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America in the Modern World

GS OSESUR, Landshuter Straße 4, 93047 Regensburg, room 319 (3rd floor)
