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©Elisa Satjukow, Belgrad 2012, analog.
Southeast European Studies Compared: Questions, Methods, Challenges (Hybrid)
Roundtable with Ger Duijzings (GS OSES), Nadège Ragaru (Center for Inter- national Studies, Science Po Paris), Diana Mishkova (Center for Advanced Studies, Sofia), Christina Koulouri (Panteion University, Athens), moderated by Jacqueline Nießer (GS OSES)
- Beginning:
- Friday, 15 October 2021 09:30
The roundtable is part of this year’s Dr.-Fritz-Exner-Colloquium on Southeast European Studies entitled "Southeastern Europe is dead? Long live Southeastern Europe! Positionalities in an Interdisciplinary Research Area" at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) from October 13 to 15, 2021.
Due to the Corona situation, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 12 people in Frankfurt/Oder, register here. Additional digital presentations for a broader audience are planned via Zoom (ID: 619 3237 0312).
Find the abstract and more information here.
See full programme.
Within the X. Dr.-Fritz-Exner-Colloquium on Southeast European Studies (Frankfurt/Oder) together with Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft e.V., Universität Viadrina and Universität Leipzig