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Summer School 2022 in Prague
This year's Summer School "Contested Memoryscapes: Central Europe and its Fractured Pasts" by the GS OSES will take place in Prague from September 26th until October 1st.
- Beginning:
- Monday, 26 September 2022 16:58
- End:
- Saturday, 01 October 2022 17:01
The 2022 Summer School of the Graduate School, organized in tandem with the Malach Center for
Visual History at Charles University, will tackle these issues by engaging with existing research and
with memorial practices themself, as embodied in artefacts and texts, institutions, and performative
practices. Guided by concepts from interdisciplinary memory studies, the participants of the Summer
School will go out in the city in search of contested memoryscapes in their different manifestations,
such as museums, memorials, street names, memory institutions and will speak to memory actors. In
a more theoretically guided approach, they will also delve into practices of life writing and other
forms of narrative memory production, reflecting about the heuristic status of the products derived
from these processes (“sources”) as well as their functioning in the respective contested and
commercialized memory cultures. Results and impressions from this instant research will be
presented at the end of the Summer School. Plenary lectures by eminent local specialists will further
add to the program.
For further information, click here.