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The postcolonial and the postsocialist revisited, or a decolonial view of the post-soviet human condition

Madina Tlostanova (U Linköping)

Thursday, 06 May 2021 16:15

Am 6. Mai 2021 heißen wir gemeinsam mit dem Leibniz WissenschaftsCampus (LWC) Marina Tlostanova in unserem Regensburger Forschungskolloquium willkommen. Sie wird einen Vortrag via ZOOM zum Thema "The postcolonial and the postsocialist revisited, or a decolonial view of the post-soviet human condition" halten.


Many works have been written on various specific intersections of the postcolonial and the postsocialist as temporalities, sensibilities and analytical lenses. A decolonial view offers additional angles to the picture introducing categories of the imperial difference, modernity/coloniality, the geopolitics and corpopolitics of knowledge, etc.  and allows to shift the discussion from the description of the specific regional histories to postcolonialism and postsocialism as current global predicaments and also potentially, as a dialogical space for the emergence of “deep coalitions” (Lugones) and global alliances for refuturing. In the talk I will focus on some decolonial impulses in the post-Soviet/post-colonial spaces and subjectivites in arts and social movements. 

Madina Tlostova:
Madina Tlostanova is decolonial thinker and writer, professor of postcolonial feminisms at Linköping University (Sweden). She has authored over 180 articles and book chapters, 11 monographs and three novels translated into many languages. Her interests focus on decolonial thought, particularly in its aesthetic, existential and epistemic manifestations, indigenous feminisms and feminisms of the Global South, the postsoviet/postcolonial human condition, fiction and art. Her most recent books include What Does it Mean to be Post-Soviet? Decolonial Art from the Ruins of the Soviet Empire (Duke University Press, 2018), A new Political Imagination, Making the Case (co-authored with Tony Fry, Routledge, 2020) and a forthcoming collection Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues, Intersections, Opacities, co-edited with Redi Koobak and Suruchi Thapar-Björkert (Routledge, 2021). 


Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America in the Modern World

Via ZOOM (ID: 626 3518 8467)
