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WORKSHOP | Let’s talk. Open Workshop about the Methodological and Theoretical Challenges in Doing Interdisciplinary Area Studies Research
Anna Steigemann (Regensburg)
- Beginning:
- Thursday, 18 April 2024 09:00
- End:
- Friday, 19 April 2024 16:00
This hands-on workshop is an experiment, an open platform, a discussion space, where PhD
candidates can address in a ‘safer space’ all kinds of challenges during ‘doing a PhD’. I am not your
supervisor, I am there to help you to improve the theoretical and empirical parts of your PhD, with
my expertise as a sociologist and spatial researcher. In addition, the workshop aims to (re-)
introduce you to different multi-scalar and multi-perspective approaches to writing an Area Studies
dissertation. Based on the doctoral candidates’ projects, the seminar will bring together different
disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives while introducing the participants to eventually new,
more social science focused and multi-scalar techniques for collecting, interpreting, and analyzing
qualitative data and information. With this, the doctoral candidates can reflect on and discuss their
wider methodological approaches and data collection across the different Area Studies disciplines
and with wider academic and non-academic audiences.
This is why the seminar requires the doctoral candidates to prepare and share their current state
and particularly the current fieldwork and data collection challenges in advance (deadline April 10
2024, see requirements above). In the workshop, PhD candidates are asked to give a short concise
presentation of their project. This will allow us to zoom in and collectively discuss your individual
approaches, your research and eventually field work plans, discuss existing and potentially emerging
ethical issues around, for instance, doorkeepers, sampling, field work interaction with your research
partners, but also all kinds of practical, theoretical, and empirical challenges, as well as how to
protect and use sensitive data and information for your further work, and last but not least, next
strategic and analytic steps.
To register for this workshop, please send an email to by 2 April 2024 at the latest.
Anna Steigemann, Professor of Sociological Dimensions of Space at Universität Regensburg
please submit by April 10 2024 via email to (one document).
- a one-page exposé (framework and research question(s))
- a one-page methodological approach
- max one-page current state of the art & timeline of your thesis/research
- a one-page current methodological and practical challenges
DIMAS, Bajuwarenstraße 4, 93053 Regensburg, room 825
Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies (DIMAS)