Rina Geci, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology
Universität Regensburg
Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies
Landshuter Straße 4
93047 Regensburg
+49 (0)941 / 943-5360 rina.geci@geschichte.uni-regensburg.de
Research Project
Contemporary Medical Pluralism in Kosovo: Practices, Markets, Politics
This project is concerned with researching people`s health-seeking behaviours in Kosovo and the medical knowledge and services offered in the country. The main research question is, what is the relation between possibilities and choices of medical treatments for patients from Kosovo?
Based on the local context, special emphasis will be put on the practices and choices between biomedicine and alternative medicine, treatments in the public or private sector, inside or outside the country, and combinations between all mentioned categories.
By using ethnographic methods of research (interviews, conversations, participant observation, media analysis, and law analysis), the study demonstrates that contemporary medical pluralism in Kosovo is the result of a combination of factors: the lack of trust in biomedical knowledge and institutions (and its limited capacities), the impact of information from the (social media), family and friends, the availability of markets, and the sustained presence of folk and religious healers in the country. This research aims to document Kosovo`s medicoscape and analyse how local, regional and global socio-economic and political forces influence people`s medical treatment opportunities and choices.
Curriculum Vitae
Rina Geci finished her Bachelor`s degree in Anthropology & Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, and her Master`s degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology & Museology and Heritage Management at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She worked as a journalist and a researcher on several projects related to cultural heritage in Kosovo. Since April 2020, she has worked as an associated researcher in the project “To the Northwest! Intra-Yugoslav Albanian migration (1953-1989), led by dr. Rory Archer (Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz).
Member of the Study Group "Ethnographic Methods and Research Ethics"