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Olha Martyniuk, M.A.

Olha Martyniuk, M.A.

PhD Candidate in History (associated, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, DAAD)


Landshuter Straße 4
93047 Regensburg

Doctoral Project

Fallen Soviet Soldiers and Veterans of the Second World War: Local-Level Commemoration in Ukraine (1991-2021)

Since Ukraine's independence in 1991, the question has arisen of how the history of the Second World War could be reinterpreted and integrated into a larger overall narrative of Ukraine. The causes of intra-Ukrainian conflicts in dealing with the Second World War history lie partly in the history of Ukraine itself, but also partly in relations with Russia, from which Ukraine wishes to distance itself politically, economically and historically. The project analyses the Ukrainian memory culture from 1991 to 2021 of the soldiers of the Red Army who took part in combat operations of the Second World War. The research project takes a shift in perspective to practice at the local level and analyses the key actors in the representation and perception of Red Army soldiers after 1991, namely local authorities, local initiatives and cultural institutions (museums, memorials). Among the analysed forms of remembrance of the Second World War and the Red Army soldiers, the project distinguishes museum exhibitions, monuments, street names, commemorative rituals of special events.

Curriculum Vitae

Olha Martyniuk is a PhD student at the University of Regensburg and a DAAD scholarship holder at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) Regensburg since October 2020, where she has been working on her dissertation titled “Red Army Soldiers: Representations and Perceptions in Ukraine since 1991”. She received a Master's degree in German and European Studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena in 2017 and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in 2015. Her research interests are in the history of the 20th and 21st centuries with a special interest in politics of memory and the history of the Second World War with its outcomes in Central and Eastern European countries.


Martyniuk, Olha: Recenzija na knyhu Hausmann, Guido, and Iryna Sklokina, eds. „The Political Cult of the Dead in Ukraine: Traditions and Dimensions from the First World War to Today” Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2021. In: Ukrajina Moderna, 35, 2023, S. 318-322.

Matsiupa, Kateryna/Martyniuk, Olha: Charakterystyka miscevoho samovrjaduvannja v Ukrajini na sučasnomu etapi. In: Romanova, Valentyna/Chabanna, Marharyta (Hg.): Misceve samovrjaduvannja - slabka lanka čy resurs ukrainskoji demokratiji. Žytomyr 2013, S. 53-72.


Journal articles

Hausmann, Guido/Martyniuk, Olha: Geschichtspolitik unter der Präsidentschaft von Wolodymyr Selenskyj. In: Ukraine-Analysen, 234, 2020, S. 7-10. URL: laender-analysen.de/ukraine-analysen/234/geschichtspolitik-unter-der-praesidentschaft-von-wolodymyr-selenskyj/ (am 15.11.2023).

Martyniuk, Olha: Charkiw: Eine Stadt in der Nähe von Russland. In: OstBlog Spezial: Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine, 2022. URL: ukraine2022.ios-regensburg.de/charkiw01/ (am 15.11.2023).

Martyniuk, Olha: Conference Report: Wars in Ukraine in the 20th and 21st Century: Media, Experts, Disinformation. In: H-Soz-Kult, 2022. URL: www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-131860 (am 15.11.2023).

Martyniuk, Olha: Review of: Brunstedt, Jonathan: The Soviet Myth of World War II. Patriotic Memory and the Russian Question in the USSR. Cambridge 2021. H-Soz-Kult, 2023. URL: www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/reb-128331 (am 15.11.2023).

Martyniuk, Olha: Was bedeutet die „Entrussifizierung“ der ukrainischen Städte?. In: OstBlog Spezial: Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine, 2022. URL: ukraine2022.ios-regensburg.de/namen01/ (am 15.11.2023).


Presentations at scientific conferences

Gefallene sowjetische Soldaten und Veteranen des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Erinnerung auf lokaler Ebene in der Ukraine (1991-2021). Forschungskolloquium zur Osteuropäischen Geschichte Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Bonn, 16.04.2024.

Gefallene sowjetische Soldaten und Veteranen des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Erinnerung auf lokaler Ebene in der Ukraine (1991-2021). Kolloquium zur Osteuropäischen Geschichte Universität Münster, online, 04.12.2023.

Remembering the Fallen Soviet Soldiers in World War II in Ukrainian Cities (1991-2021). The 2nd PoSoCoMeS Conference "Post-Socialist Memory Cultures in Transition" Tallinn University, Tallinn, 22.09.2023.

Erinnerungspraktiken und Darstellungsformen der Soldaten der Roten Armee in der Ukraine (1991-2021): Zwischen dem sowjetischen Erbe und der nationalen Idee. Münchner Kolloquium zur Osteuropäischen Geschichte Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, 02.11.2022.

Turning away from the Great Patriotic War: The Ukrainian Transformation of the Memory of the Second World War. Ukrainian Research Online University of Erfurt, online, 14.07.2022.

Darstellung des Zweiten Weltkrieges in lokalen ukrainischen Museen in Zaporižžja, Vinnycja und Ternopil von 1991 bis 2021. 29. Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Expert*innen Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde, Jena, 02.07.2022.

Erinnerungskultur an die Soldaten der Roten Armee am Beispiel der ukrainischen Städte Zaporižžja, Vinnycja und Ternopil (1991-2021). Online-Vortragsreihe "History revisited. Geschichte der Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert" Das Zentrum für Erinnerungskultur, Menschenrechte und Demokratie (ZfE), online, 10.05.2022.

Monuments and Names of Streets Dedicated to the Memory of Red Army Soldiers in Ukraine. 7th Doctoral Workshop: Microhistories of Socialism Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism (CKPIS); Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia, Pula, Croatia, 27.08.2021.

Victory Day Celebrations in Ukraine since 1991: Perspectives from the Local Level. Public History Summer School University of Wrocław (Poland), 10.06.2021.


Positions, Assignments and Membership

Member of the Study Group "Ethnographic Methods and Research Ethics"
