Doctoral Project
Magdolna Molnár focuses in her interdisciplinary PhD research project on the transnational repair / refurbishing / reuse of small electronic devices and the role of service providers in the transition to a European circular economy.
Curriculum Vitae
She studied History and Russian language at the University of Durham, UK. After completing her Bachelor studies, she participated in the European Commission’s Blue Book Traineeship Programme. Then in 2018 she received a DAAD scholarship to do her Master’s studies in “Ost-West-Studien” at the University of Regensburg. She completed her master’s degree with the thesis titled: “Here you must live and die? Why young Hungarians leave their country: A case study of intra-EU youth mobility from Hungary to Germany”. In 2021 she was a predoctoral fellow at the Graduate School for East- and Southeast European Studies.
- Women in European Politics, 4liberty.eu : http://4liberty.eu/women-in-european-politics/ (11.03.2021)
- Die Russlanddeutschen: Gespräche mit einer Bevölkerungsgruppe, die sich missverstanden fühlt, in Hrg. K.Buchenau und G.Duijzings: Russkij Regensburg: Die russischsprachige Bevölkerung Regensburgs, 2019. https://www-app.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/PKGG/master-egw/wp-content/uploads/RusskijRegensburg_v09.pdf