Doctoral Project
Infrastrukturen in Schwierigkeiten: Straßenbahn, Trolleybus und Gesellschaft in der Ukraine und Rumänien nach 1990 — abgeschlossen
Infrastructures in trouble: Tramway, Trolleybus and Society in Ukraine and Romania after 1990 — completed
The project is focusing on life of provincial tram and trolleybus networks in Ukraine and Romania during 1990-2000's. My research question is provoked by the severe crisis that these sociotechnical urban systems faced after the socialism: how did the particular socio-technical assembling processes lead to survival or closure of the networks? Deleuzian concept of assemblage is suggested for understanding the continual re-configurations that electric transport has undergone in the studied time-place. Its task is to problematize De Certeau's “strategies – tactics” dichotomy as applied to relations between urban transport infrastructure and passengers. Via case of provincial urban electric transport I'm trying to provide examples for reconceptualization of the verticalized two-level structure “user vs. infrastructure” into a non-linear, heterogeneous and re-collectable mobility rhizome. The nature of investigated assemblage imposes a qualitative methodology with mixed range of sources and technics like interviews, surveys, discourse analysis, “mobile methods” with an accent on interdisciplinary translation. The project seeks to contribute both to academic discussion on city ontologies and applicable knowledge on building the patterns of understanding interaction within urban communities.
Please also see an overview of his project in the Graduate School's 2015 Annual Report 2015.
Curriculum Vitae
Andrey Vozyanov studied cultural anthropology at the European University in St. Petersburg (Russia). Between 2011 and 2013 he did field work about mobility in Eastern Ukraine. He finished his master thesis about "The amount of public transport in the everyday life of elderly citizens: case study in the city of Mariupol" in April. In 2013 and 2014 he did further research about urban pratices.
Positions, Assignments and Memberships
- Former Member of the Study Group "Social Sorting"
- Former Deputy Doctoral Student Representative of the Graduate School
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Solution into problem: Ukrainian Marshrutka and Romanian maxi-taxi at the fall of planning paradigms after 1990." In: The Journal of Transport History 39 (1), 2018, 25-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0022526618757086.
Mobilities and Sound. Post-Soviet Soundscapes of Mobility: Notes on the Evolution of the Acoustic Profile of Privacy. In: Topos 1 (2018): S. 66-86.
Romanian Mobilities Series. Relics of the Future. In: Anthropology News 58 (1), S. 327-331.
Urban Electric Public Transport in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Toward a Historical Anthropology of Infrastructural Crises. In: Mobility in History 8 (1), S. 61-76.
Zus. mit Ekaterina Arie u.a.: Форум: Академическое сообщество в условиях “новой публичности“ интернета [Forum: Academic Studies of Culture and the Internet as a “New Public” Sphere]. In: Антропологический форум [Antropologicheskij forum] 32, S. 25-30.
Исследовательская выставка между шумом и немотой. озвучивая гуманитарное знание о точной науке [Research Exhibition Between Noise And Muteness. How To Make Humanities Speak On Sciencies]. In: Практики и интерпретации. Журнал филологических, образовательных и культурных исследований [Practices and Interpretations. A Journal of Philology, Teaching and Cultural Studies] 1 (4), S. 124-133. URL: www.pi-journal.com/index.php/pii/article/view/62.
Лев Манович: Наука о культуре? Изучение больших культурных данных. // Цифровые социальные исследования и цифровая гуманитаристика [L. Manovich: The Science of Culture? Social Computing, Digital Humanities and Cultural Analytics // The Datafied society. Social Research in the Age of Big Data. In: Topos 1-2, S. 76-92 (Übersetzung aus dem Englischen ins Russische). URL: drive.google.com/file/d/0B3guwSeo95lKU2Z0Z0ZDWTVmYmM/view.
With Wladimir Sgibnev: Assemblages of Mobility: the Marshrutkas of Central Asia. In: Central Asian Survey 35 (2), 2016, S. 276-291.
With Meghanne Barker et al.: Форум: Отношения антрополога и изучаемого сообщества [Forum: The Anthropologist and the Community]. In: Antropologicheskij forum 30, 2016, S. 17-21.
Переводить отказываюсь [Giving Up On A Translation]. In: Практики & Интерпретации: журнал филологических, образовательных и культурных исследований 1 (3), 2016, S. 39-44.
Куда ушли мелодии вместо гудков: территории слуха в саундскейпе социальных медиа [Where the ringbacktones have gone? Hearing's territories in soundscape of social media]. In: Неприкосновенный запас 4 (102), 2015.
Lgotniki in the city: Elderly Passengers and Ethics of Mobility in Ukrainian Public Transit Infrastructure. In: Sociology of Power 3/2014 (Special Issue).
What Might Be Sillier Than Wait? Public Transport Stop as the Place and the Event. In: Fashion Theory: Dress, Body and Culture 33/2014.
Approaches to Waiting in Mobility Studies: Utilization, Conceptualization, Historicizing. In: Mobility in History 5/2014, S. 64-73.
Отходы смысла: новые веяния во внутригородских воздушных перевозках [Wastes of Meaning: New Tendencies in the Urban Airlifting]. In: Translit #9: The question of technique, St. Petersburg 2011, S. 117-119.
Трамвайные фанаты и (провинциальная) урбанистичность [Tramway Fans and Provincial Urbanism]. In: Antropologicheskii Forum - Online 15/2011, S. 359-387.
Беспристрастная наука и свободная импровизация, или Почему исследователи-музыканты редко исследуют музыку [Unbiased Science vs. Free Improvisation, or Why Researchers-Musicians Seldom Research Into Music]. In: A. Piir / M. Pirogovskaja (Hgg.): Experto crede Alberto: cборник статей к 70-летию Альберта Кашфулловича Байбурина [Experto crede Alberto: Anthology for Albert Kashfullowich Bajburin in Celebration of his 70th Birthday], St. Petersburg 2017, S. 135-148. URL: goo.gl/B58dgG.
Трамваї та тролейбуси Донбасу наприкінці 2000-х років: асамбляжі песимізму та ентузіазму / Tramways and Trolleybuses of Donbas in the late 2000s: Assemblages of Pessimism and Enthusiasm. In: Project Donbas Studies, IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives (Hg.): Donbas. First Line / Донбас. Перша лінія, Kyiv 2016, S. 45-61.
A box for the sounds? On City Backyard Soundscape. In: Olga Brednikova / Oksana Zaporozhets (eds.): Micro-urbanism. Gorod v detalyah [Micro-urbanism. City in Details], Moscow 2014, S. 111-131.
Диктофон. In: Oksana Karpenko (ed.): Беспредельная социология: Сиквел. Сборник эссе, St. Petersburg 2012, S. 131-141.
Vinyl in the City: Between the Sound and the Spectacle. In: P. V. Romanov / E. R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (eds): Vizual'naya antropologiya: gorodskie karty pamyati [Visual Anthropology: Urban Memory Cards], Moscow 2009, S. 259-27.
Daniel Morat (ed.). Sounds of Modern History: Auditory Cultures in 19th- and 20th-century Europe, New York 2014. In: Antropologicheskii Forum - Online 26/2015.
William John Mitchell: Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City (Transl. into Russian by D.Simanovskiy), Moscow 2012. In: Antropologicheskii Forum - Online 22/2014.
Further Publications
Куды знікае вечар у вялікіх постсавецкіх гарадах [Where is the evening disappearing into in large post-Soviet cities?]. In: urbanist.by, 12.04.2018.
Постсавецкія саўндскейпы мабільнасці: гук і трансфармацыя публічнасці ў горадзе [Post-socialist soundscapes of mobility: sound and transformation of urban publicness]. In: urbanist.by, 05.12.2018.
Zus. mit Alexandra Borovikova and Natalya Minchenko. Buzzwords: sustainability. In: urbanist.by, 16.10.2018.
Infrastructures in Trouble: The operation of Donbas’ tramway and trolleybus networks under warfare. In: T2M – International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, March 2015.
Вернуть городу вечер: поздние трамваи и тактическая логистика в Ростове-на-Дону [Bring the city’s evening back: late evening tramways and tactical logistics in Rostov-on-Don]. In: Partizaning.org, 02.07.2015.
With Oksana Zaporozhets: Круглый стол "Человек мобильный и управление городской повседневностью: цифровая антропология городского транспорта". In: Новое литературное обозрение 5 (135), 2015.
With Sasha Skorykh / Alexander Shmick: Гендерная идентичность в эпицентре дискриминации. жизнь транс* людей в россии [Gender Identity in the Epicenter of Discrimination: Life of Trans* People in Russia], brochure for the LGBT Organisation Coming Out, St. Petersburg 2013.
Впечатления о Первой международной конференции "Universal Design" [Impressions on the 1st International Conference "Universal Design"]. In: Antropologicheskii Forum - Online 17/2012, S. 303-310.
Девятая ежегодная конференция и Летняя школа T2M: mobility studies с близкого расстояния [The 9th Annual Conference and Summer School of the International Association T2M: A Closer Look at Mobility Studies]. In: Antropologicheskii Forum - Online 16/2012, S. 336-340.
Политики шума, шумовое неравенство и тактики сопротивления шуму: случай ростовской общаги [Noise Politics, Noise Inequality and Tactics of Noise Resistance: the case of hostels in Rostov-on-Don]. In: Cogita!ru, 06.04.2010.
Presentations (selected)
"Infrastructures in Trouble: Public Transit, Crisis, and Citizens at the Peripheries of Europe". (Jahrestagung der Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien "Studying East and Southeast Europe as Area Studies: Paradigms - Themes - Methods for the 21st Century", München, 25.-27.10.2018)
Dezember 2015 Kiev, Ukraine. Presentation at round table “Experience of participatory projects”, on grassroots initiatives for Donbas transport, “Чи повинні громадяни інфраструктурі? Пострадянський міськелектротранспорт між волонтерством, залученням та маніпулюванням”.
November 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia. Two presentations, panel co-organisator at Annual Conference «Exhibition of Scientific Developments», 1) Has anthropology ever been non-applied? A critical introduction into ethnographies of techno-age, 2) Этика морального износа и взаимодействие технологических неравенств: социотехнические функции б/у трамваев в городах Румынии ("Ethics of obsolescence and assemblages of technological inequalities: socio-technical functions of second-hand tramways in Romania").
Oktober 2015, St.Petersburg, Russia. Presentation on methodology Исследование довоенного Донбасса до и во время войны: о попытках интернет-этнографии расколотого сообщества („Studying the pre-war Donbass during and after the war: on attempts of Internet-ethography for the splitted-up community“).
Oktober 2015 Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Public lecture Тихое введение в антропологию шума по ночам.
September 2015, Caserta, Italy, Joint Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) and the Cosmobilities Network. Presentations:1) The Digital Age of Equipped Waiting: Capitalizing the Attention and Revision of Passengering in Russian Largest Cities; 2) The Same Route but not the Same Way: A Sensitive Diversification of Public Transit in Ukrainian and Romanian Cities since 1990s, 3) Presentation of documentary photo on urban electric transport in Donbas.
Augist 2015 Kimry, Russia. Two lectures on sound studies and public transport studies at workshop "Центр полевых исследований", summer school "Летняя Школа".
Juni 2015 13.6.2015 Regensburg, Germany. Workshop Critical introduction into applied anthropologiestogether with Liubava Shatokhina.
Juni 2015 Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Report on late evening tramway service at “Night of urban communities”.
April 2015 Minsk, Belarus. Presentation at Art and Education Festival „Artes Liberalis“: Code “Prolongation”: Biographies of Urban Electric Transport Infrastructure in 2000s Donbas.
Further Information