Doctoral Project
Valenzstrukturen im russisch-deutschen Sprachkontakt — abgeschlossen
Valency Structures in the Russian-German Language Contact — completed
Nowadays, a lot of Russian speaking emigrants live in Germany. As the daily Russian-German language contact influences the Russian language very strongly, the data of the Russian language deliver a lot of information about the language phenomena that are caused by the language contact. Valency structures of the Russian verbs are the main focus of the dissertation project. Research on valency structures of the Russian verbs is still a desideratum. The research is based on the pilot study that I conducted in the framework of my Master‘s thesis. Fourteen interviews form the basis of the pilot study. The results of the pilot study show that the Russian language of the Russian speaking emigrants in Germany contain not only syntactic but also semantic valency discrepancies. However, it is not clear how the change of valency runs exactly. Therefore the valency of Russian in Germany will be researched in depth. It is also important to research the language of the emigrants of the second generation, meaning Russian speaking persons who were born in Germany. Methods such as Interviews and questionnaires will be used in the research. A corpus and a classification of Russian verbs are elaborated for the research. The classification allows for the categorisation of all verbs according to their valency structures.
Please also see an overview of her project in the Graduate School's Newsletter Nr. 7, Wintersemester 2016/17.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in Drushino/Russia. 10/2003 − 03/2010 University of Regensburg, M.A. in Russian/Czech Philology, Spanish/Corpus linguistic. 1997 − 2002 Diploma Manager in Social Studies at University of Omsk (Russia). 10/2016 - 03/2017 Adjunct Lecturer at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Regensburg. 03/2016 - 09/2016 Research Assistant at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Regensburg. 04/2015 Assistant Lecturer at University of Passau. 10/2014 - 02/2016 Research Assistant at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Regensburg (DFG project "Subjekte II"). WS 2012/13 Research Assistant at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Regensburg. WS 2011/12 Assistant Lecturer and Research Assistant at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Regensburg. 04/2010–12/2012 Graduate Assistant at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Regensburg. 02/2009–03/2010 Student Assistant at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Regensburg. 04/2010–12/2010 Graduate Assistant with the Bohemicum Regensburg-Passau, Project "Language Management". 07/2009–03/2010 Student Assistant with the Bohemicum Regensburg-Passau, Project "Language Management".
Positions, Assignments and Memberships
- Former Member of the Study Group "Migration, Transfers, Cultural Contact"
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
With E. Hansack, B. Hansen, M. Horvat & S. Perić Gavrančić: Regensburški dijakronijski korpus hrvatskoga jezika – CroDi. In: RASPRAVE 42 (2016), No. 1, pp. 1-19.
Diachronische Entwicklung der Tschechischen und russischen Vornamen und ihr Vergleich [= Diachronic development of Czech and Russian first names and their comparison]. In: Diachrone Aspekte slavischer Sprachen, B. Hansen (Hrsg.) (Slavolinguistica 16). Verlag Otto Sagner, München-Berlin- Washington, pp. 95-113.
Wilma Rethage: Strukturelle Besonderheiten des Russischen in Deutschland [= Structural specialities of the Russian language in Germany]. In: Bibliothek und Medien. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bibliotheken und Dokumentationsstellen der Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropaforschung (ABDOS) e.V., 32 (2012) Nr. 2. Verlag Otto Sagner, pp. 40-41. (ISSN 2194-7392).
Tobias Kallfell: Spracheneinfluss und konstruktionelles Lernen beim Erwerb des Deutschen als Zweitsprache [= Influence of languages and construction learning during acquisition of the German language as the second language]. In: Bibliothek und Medien. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bibliotheken und Dokumentationsstellen der Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropaforschung (ABDOS) e.V., 32 (2012) Nr. 2. Verlag Otto Sagner, pp. 39-40. (ISSN 2194-7392).
Presentations (selected)
"Valenzstrukturen bei Herkunftssprechern des Russischen in Deutschland" (Bundeskongress des Gesamtverbands Moderne Fremdsprachen e.V. (GMF), Nürnberg, 30.09.-01.10.2016).
"Valenzstrukturen im russisch-deutschen Sprachkontakt: Verbauswahl und Probleme der Testentwicklung" (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 02.06.2016).
Zus. mit Dr. Natalia Brüggemann und Dr. Nicole Ehrmann: "Zur Sprachdominanz und Sprachdiagnostik im Deutschen als Zweitsprache und in slavischen Herkunftssprachen" (Tagung "MehrSpracheN" an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 18.-19.02.2016).
"Verbvalenzerosion des Russischen russischsprachiger Einwanderer in Deutschland" (Deutscher Slavistentag, Gießen, 01.-03.10.2015).
"Valency structures of the Russian verbs in the Russian-German language contact" (4th Barcelona Summer School on Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Barcelona, 14.-17.09.2015).
"Codeswitching in deutsch-tschechischen Unternehmen und Organisationen" (10. Workshop "Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Interkulturelles Lernen" am Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Universität Hildesheim, 08.-09.06.2012).
"Вариативность управления в языке русскоязычных мигрантов в Германии" (Fortbildung der bayerischen Russischlehrkräfte an der Universität Regensburg, 15.-16.07.2011).
"Valenzstrukturen im russisch-deutschen Sprachkontakt" (9. Workshop "Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Interkulturelles Lernen" am Institut für Slawische Sprachen der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, 24.-26.06.2011).