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Prof. Dr. Sabine Koller

Prof. Dr. Sabine Koller

Professor of Slavic-Jewish Studies


Universität Regensburg
Institute for Slavic Studies
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Main Research Areas

  • Eastern Jewish cultural renaissance (literature and painting)
  • Slavic-Jewish and Yiddish literatures (19th and 20th century)
  • Intertextuality - intermediality - interculturality
  • Processes of cultural translation, cultural transfer and extraterritoriality
  • The city as a text (Saint-Petersburg and Moscow)
  • Violence in text and image

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Amberg, Oberpfalz. Studied Slavic and Romance Studies in Regensburg, Grenoble and Saint Petersburg. PhD in 2002, Habilitation in 2011. 2006-2012 Dilthey Fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation. From 2007 to 2012 member of the “Young Academy” at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Culture Award of East Bavaria (Kulturpreis Ostbayern) for outstanding scientific achievements and Professor-Joseph-Engert-Prize of the city of Regensburg. Since 2013 Professor of Slavic-Jewish Studies at the Institute of Slavic Studies at Universität Regensburg.

Positions, Assignments and Memberships

  • Principal investigator of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies
  • Chairperson of the Academic Advisory Board of the Leibniz-Institut für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur – Simon Dubnow (Leipzig)
  • Scientific advisory board of the Center for Jewish Cultural History (Salzburg)
  • Dean of Research at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies (Universität Regensburg)
  • Director of the doctoral programme (PUR) of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies and the Faculty of Philosophy, Art, History and Social Sciences (Universität Regensburg)
  • Member of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers
  • Member of the German Association of Slavists


List of publications

Supervised Ph.D. Theses at Graduate School
