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Overview of research projects by current PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers

Elia Bescotti, M.A.

Secession, Non-Recognition and Identity Building in the Post-Soviet Politics of International Law: Contested Sovereignties and Ontological Security between Territorial Integrity and Self-Determination — (doctoral project, IOS)

Magdalena Daller, M.A.

Essen und nationale Identität in kulinarischen Stadtlandschaften. Reisen von St. Petersburg über Odessa nach Tbilissi im 19. Jahrhundert — (doctoral project)

Drivalda Delia, M.A.

National Resistance as a Vehicle for Gender Empowerment – Reshaping the Public Sphere during and after the Kosovo Crisis (1981 -1999) — (doctoral project)

Miloš Đurović, M.A.

Living Polluted Lives in an “Ecological State”: Coping with Air Pollution in a Coal-Mining Town on the Periphery of Montenegro — (doctoral project)

Lena-Marie Franke, M.A.

Early Narratives of the Shoah in Czech Literature — (doctoral project)

Nikola Gajić, M.A.

Cooperation and conflict in Eastern Europe. The consequences of the reconfiguration of political, economic, and social spaces since the end of the Cold War — (doctoral project, IOS)

Rina Geci, M.A.

Contemporary Medical Pluralism in Kosovo: Practices, Markets, Politics  — (doctoral project)

Artur Hilgenberg, M.A.

Der Gemeindebesitz der Donkosaken. Entstehung und Entwicklung bis 1835 [The Communal Land Tenure of the Don Cossacks. Origins and Evolution till 1835] — (doctoral project)

Fatos Hoxha, M.A.

A Transformation from below. Understanding Workers’ Lives in the Trepca Industrial Complex during 1960-1980 — (doctoral project)

Damjan Matković, M.A.

Informality and Corruption in Serbia 1817–1914 — (doctoral project, DFG)

Jon Matlack, M.A.

Maneuvering towards ‘The West’: U.S. Army-Bundeswehr Joint War Games as Conduit for Western Identity Formation — (doctoral project, LSC)

Oleksandr Nadtoka, M.A.

Historical Forensics and Historians as Expert Witnesses at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia — (doctoral project)

Dr. Jacqueline Nießer

Transnationale Körpergeschichte am Beispiel des Naturismus [Transnational Body History Using the Example of Naturism] — (postdoctoral project)

Efthalia Prokopiou, M.A.

Notions of Home in the Far Right “White Genocide” Narrative: A Multinational and Multilingual Approach to Contemporary Far Right Self-Representations in Europe and the Americas — (doctoral project, LSC)

Yulia Pyankova, M.A.

Performative Commemoration of Political Murders in Modern Russia: Galina Starovoytova, Anna Politkovskaya, and Boris Nemtsov — (doctoral project)

Igor Stipić, M.A.

The State and its Students: Hegemonic Structures, Subaltern Pedagogies, and Fractured Community in Bosnia and Chile — (doctoral project, LSC)

Olga Trufanova, M.A.

Absorbing the Asian Frontier: Food and Food-Related Knowledge in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Siberia — (doctoral project)

Jana Vinga Martins, M.A.

Europe in the Museum. Ideas of Europe in national conception of history — (doctoral project, UR)

Vita Zelenska, M.A.

What Does it Mean to Be a Refugee? Sites of Knowledge Production and Their Asymmetrical Entanglements — (doctoral project, LSC)

Sara Žerić Đulović, M.A.

Gastarbeiters as Agents of Development in Socialist Yugoslavia — (doctoral project, IOS)


Overview of research projects of former predoctoral, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in Regensburg (since 2012)

Dr. Melanie Arndt

Tschernobyl. Eine transnationale Geschichte [Chernobyl. A Transnational History] — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Dr. Annelie Bachmaier

Konzeptionen des Fremden in der Prosa Aleksandr Grins [Agents of Cultural Transfer. Polish Émigré Scholars in the Development of Eastern European Studies in the United States, 1939–1989] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Volha Bartash

Holocaust Memory Activism in the Baltics — (postdoctoral project)

Dr. Kathleen Beger

Kleine Bürger für die große Zukunft: Sowjetische Einrichtungen für Kinder und Jugendliche im Vergleich (1925–1965) [Small Citizens for the Great Future: Comparing Soviet Institutions for Children and Adolescents (1925–1965)] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Čarna Brković

Between Compassion and Social Justice: Humanitarianism in Montenegro during and after the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Dr. Alice Buzdugan

Stadtliteratur der Zwischenkriegszeit in Rumänien zwischen nationaler Propaganda und Kulturphilosophie [Urban Literature of the Interwar Period in Romania between National Propaganda and Cultural Philosophy] — (doctoral project; completed)

Tila de Almeida Mendonça, M.A.

Teaching and Research go Underground. Illegal Education in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1939-1942 (predoctoral project)

Dr. Beate Feldmeier, Dipl.-Math.

Sprachkontakt und Höflichkeit: Reflexion und Gebrauch von Anredestrategien von tschechischen Migranten im deutschsprachigen Umfeld. [Language contact and courtesy: Reflection and Use of the Salutary Strategies of Czech Migrants in German-Speaking Countries] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. David Franz

Amerikanische und sowjetische Modernen in der Weimarer Republik [USA and USSR in the Discourses of Modernity in the Weimar Republic] — (doctoral project; completed)

Barbara Frey, M.A.

Corruption in Serbia and Croatia since 1990 — (doctoral project, DFG)

Dr. Adrian Grama

The Anxiety of the Global. Rethinking the Second Globalization from the European Periphery (1960s–1990s) [The Anxiety of the Global. Rethinking the Second Globalization from the European Periphery (1960s–1990s)] — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Dr. Stefan Gužvica

International Solidarity and Transnational Repression: The Balkan Communist Parties during the Great Purge, 1936–1939 — (doctoral project; completed)


Marina Israilova, M.A.
Locality and Translocality of Artistic Communities from Saint Petersburg, Russia — (doctoral project)

Jovana Jovic, M.A.

The Historical Semantics of INFORMALITY — An Empirical Study on the Thematic Use of Words Based on Serbian and Croatian Press Texts from 1919 to the Present Day — (doctoral project, DFG)

Dr. Jana Kantoříková

Das Werk Miloš Martens und die Frage der Intertextualität [The Work of Miloš Martens and the Question of Intertextuality] — (doctoral project; completed)

Petar Kehayov, PhD habil. 

Grammars in Language Death: Finnic-Russian Contact Interfaces — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács

Central Europe's Starving Children: Humanitarian Child Relief in Budapest after WWI — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Dr. Henner Kropp

Die Kolonisten in Russisch-Amerika in den Expansionsprozessen Russlands und der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, 1787–1867 [The Colonists in Russian-America and the Imperial Expansion of Russia and the United States of America, 1787–1867] — (doctoral project; completed)

Julia Kubasiak (née Kling), M.A.

Internationale Veteranenverbände, der Kalte Krieg und europäische Vergangenheitspolitik am Beispiel Jugoslawiens (1945-1971) [International Veterans' Associations, the Cold War and European Politics of Dealing with the Past: The example of Yugoslavia (1945-1971)] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Ana-Teodora Kurkina

Intelligentsia in Exile. Bulgarian Revolutionary Emigration in the Second Half of the XIX Century and the Projects for a Balkan Federation  — (doctoral project; completed)

Frederik Lange, M.A.

Der Fluss unter der Brücke. Die Drina als ambivalenter Erinnerungsort [The River Under the Bridge. The Drina as an Ambivalent Place of Remembrance] — (doctoral project; completed)

Miloš Lecić, M.A.

Corruption in Serbia and Croatia in the "Short" 20th Century, 1914–1989 — (doctoral project, DFG)

Dr. Anna-Dorothea Ludewig

"Die jüdische Frau" – Verhandlungen von Weiblichkeit und Judentum in der (kultur-)zionistischen Literatur und Publizistik ["The Jewish Woman" – Negotiations of Femininity and Judaism in the (Cultural) Zionist Literature and Journalism] — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Olha Martyniuk, M.A.

Red Army Soldiers: Representations and Perceptions in Ukraine since 1991 — (doctoral project; completed DAAD)

Dr. Daniela Mathuber

"Na Moskve net carja". Das samozvanstvo als kulturelles Gedächtnis in der Geschichte Russlands ["Na Moskve net carja." The Samozvanstvo as a Cultural Memory in the History of Russia] — (doctoral project; completed)

Cornelius Merz, M.A.

Exploring Identity and Belonging through Spatial Relations – a Comparative Study of Cleveland and Leipzig, 1890–1930 — (doctoral project, LSC)

Magdolna Molnar, M.A.

Cross-Border Repair and Repairers in the Transition to a European Circular Economy — (predoctoral project)

Dr. Irina Morozova

The Debate on Progress, Social Order and Economy and the Rise of New Inequalities in Central Asia, 1970–90s — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Dr. Jacqueline Nießer

Transnationale Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung im postjugoslawischen Kontext: Die "Koalition für REKOM" [Transnationally Dealing with the Past in the Post-Yugoslav Context: The “Coalition for RECOM“] — (doctoral project; completed)

Niklas Platzer, M.A.

Die Rübenzuckerindustrie des Habsburgerreiches im langen 19. Jahrhundert [The Beet Sugar Industry of the Habsburg Empire in the Long 19th Century] — (predoctoral project)

Dr. Anna Poznańska (née Juraschek)

Die Rettung des Bildes im Wort. Bruno Schulz’ Bild-Idee in seinem prosaischen und bildnerischen Werk [The Salvation of the Image in the Word. Bruno Schulz's Idea of the Picture in his Prosaic and Pictorial Work] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Jeremias Schmidt

Kriegserfahrungen bayerischer Soldaten an der Ostfront des Ersten Weltkrieges, 1915–1918 [War Experiences of Bavarian Soldiers on the Eastern Front of the First World War, 1915–1918] — (doctoral project; completed)

Daniel Schrader, M.A.

Demokratie repräsentieren? Politische Praktiken und Sprachen russländischer Räte- und Stadtdumendelegierten in Revolution und Bürgerkrieg, 1917–1919 [Representing Democracy? Political Practices and Languages of Delegates to Russian Town Soviets and Dumas in Revolution and Civil War, 1917–1919] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Oana Valentina Sorescu-Iudean

The Evolution of Testamentary Behavior in Eighteenth Century Hermannstadt (Sibiu) — (doctoral project; completed)

Emanuel Tatu, M.A.

"Erfahrung" und "Wahrnehmung" in der Prosa rumänisch-jüdischer Autoren der Zwischenkriegszeit (ca. 1920–1940). Ion Călugăru, Ury Benador, Max Blecher ["Experience" and "Perception" in the Literature of Romanian-Jewish Writers of the Interwar Period (ca. 1920–1940)] — (doctoral project)

Dr. Jasper Trautsch

Remapping the Euro-Atlantic World and Imagining ‚the West’: The Spatial Reordering of Europe and North America, 1945–1957 — (postdoctoral project; completed)

Dr. Andrey Vozyanov

Infrastructures in Trouble: Tramway, Trolleybus and Society in Ukraine and Romania after 1990 — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Dóra Vuk

Kongruenz in der kroatischen Herkunftssprache in Ungarn und Österreich [Congruence in the Croatian Language of Origin in Hungary and Austria] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Veronika Wald

Valenzstrukturen im russisch-deutschen Sprachkontakt [Valency Structures in the Russian-German Language ontact] — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Eva-Maria Walther

Entangled Opponents: Tolerance and Nationalism in Slovakia — (doctoral project; completed)

Dr. Peter Wegenschimmel

Transformations from Below: Shipyards and Labour Relations in the Uljanik (Croatia) and Gdynia (Poland) Shipyards since the 1980s — (doctoral project; completed)