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Dr. Annelie Bachmaier

Dr. Annelie Bachmaier

Research Associate / TU Dresden


Doctoral Project

Konzeptionen des Fremden in der Prosa Aleksandr Grins — abgeschlossen
Concepts of the stranger in Aleksandr Grin's prose — completed

In the dissertation project, the concept of the other/alien in Russian literature and culture - in their direct connection with the concept of ownership - is examined on the basis of selected travel texts by the Russian writer Aleksandr Grin. The project argues that the far-reaching disregard of Grin’s aesthetically high-quality work by literary scholars is in part due to his unusual “handling” of others/aliens in Russian culture. Grin's prose stands in stark contrast to the travel texts of other Russian writers - of the 20th as well as earlier centuries - in which the (negatively assessed) other/alien is perceived mostly in relation to a sense of ownership and thus is sharply limited. The other/alien plays an important role for Grin not only in terms of content, language and aesthetics; the boundaries to one's ownership of space/place are also blurred, the previously clear axiology is thereby questioned. This makes Grin's novels, novellas and short stories themselves foreign to Russian culture. By examining Grin's concepts of the other/alien, important insights into the cultural and aesthetic literary characteristics of this author are gained. Equally, the example of his prose can make a significant contribution to the still under-researched field of Russian travel literature.

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Starnberg. 10/2007-09/2010 Bachelor’s study program, University of Regensburg: Russian Philology, Polish Philology, Comparative cultural studies. 10/2009-09/2012 Student assistant at the Institute for Slavonic Studies, University of Regensburg. 10/2010-09/2012 Master’s study program, University of Regensburg: Elite Graduate Program for East European Studies. Main subject: Slavic Studies Subsidiary subject: Economics. Since 12/2012 doctoral student at the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies. Since 04/2019 Research Associate at the Institute of Slavic Literatures at TU Dresden.

Positions, Assignments and Memberships


  • Scholarship for completing the doctoral dissertation by the Bayerisches Programm zur Realisierung der Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre (04/2018-03/2019)
  • Erasmus+ Guest Lecturer at the University of Łódź (Poland), Institute for Russian Studies (04/2017)
  • "Mentoring.UR" Mentoring program for outstanding young scholars of the Universität Regensburg (12/2015-03/2017)
  • BAYHOST Mobility Grant for archival research at RGALI Moscow (09/2015-12/2015)
  • Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung; 2007-2012)
  • Scholarship of the Max Weber program (2011-2012)


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Zwischen Sinn, Wahnsinn und Nichtsinn. Intra- und extratextuelle Wirkungen von Kontingenz am Beispiel dreier Erzählungen A. Grins. In: Weigl, Anna / Nübler, Norbert / Naumann, Kristina / Völkel-Bill, Miriam et al. (Hgg.): Junge Slavistik im Dialog VI. Beiträge zur XI. Slavistischen Studentenkonferenz. Hamburg 2017, 21-33.

Das Fremde (in) der Prosa Aleksandr Grins und seine Bedeutung für Grins Rezeption. In: Kristina Naumann / Norbert Nübler / Miriam Völkel-Bill / Anna Weigl (Hg.): Junge Slavistik im Dialog V. Beiträge zur X. Slavistischen Studentenkonferenz. Hamburg 2016, 19-33.

Im Dialog mit Dante: Gombrowiczs O Dantemund Mandel’štams Razgovor o Dante. In: Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie 69 (2), 2012/2013, 329-358.

Offenheit. In: Klatt, Matthias / Koller, Sabine (Hgg.): Lehre als Abenteuer. Anregungen für eine bessere Hochschulausbildung. Frankfurt a.M. 2012, 166-169.


Klavdia Smola / Olaf Terpitz (Hgg.): Jüdische Räume und Topographien in Ost(mittel)europa. Konstruktionen in Literatur und Kultur. Wiesbaden: Harrasso-witz, 2014. In: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, jgo.e-reviews 5 (4), 2015, 4-7. URL: https://www.recensio.net/r/0dd27ee2969843b484f0bfde36e19b67.

