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Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchenau
Professor of Southeast and East European History
Universität Regensburg
Institute for History
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg
+49 (0)941 / 943-3792 +49 (0)941 / 943-5032 Webprofile
Main Research Areas
- History of religion in Southeast and East Europe, 19th-21th century (Anti-westernism, Fundamentalism in Orthodox cultures)
- History of Yugoslavia and its successor states
- Southeast Europe in a global comparison (especially Latin America)
- Relations between Russia/Soviet Union and Southeast Europe, 19th and 20th century
- History of corruption in Southeast Europe
- History of Russian emigration
Curriculum Vitae
Born in Warleberg (Schleswig-Holstein). 2003 Doctorate Degree at the Freie Universität Berlin on Orthodoxy and Catholicism in socialist Yugoslavia. 2010 Habilitation at the Freie Universität Berlin on transnational anti-Western networks (Russia/Serbia). 2009-2013 Research Associate at the International Research Training Group "Religious cultures in 19th and 20th-century Europe". Since 2013, Acting Professor for Southeast and East European History at the Universität Regensburg (as substitute for Professor Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer).