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Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat
Professor of American Studies
Universität Regensburg
Department of English and American Studies
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg
+49 (0)941 / 943-3476 +49 (0)941 / 943 - 3590 Webprofile
Main Research Areas
- History of North America in continental perspective from the colonial era to the present
- History of European-American relations since the early modern period
- Biography and autobiography
- Visual culture studies in transatlantic perspective
- History of federalism in transatlantic perspective
Curriculum Vitae
Born in El Paso (Texas/USA). He received his Ph.D. in 1996 upon completion of his dissertation “Amerikabilder in politischen Diskursen. Deutsche Zeitschriften 1789-1830” [Images of America in Political Discourses. German Journals 1789-1830] (awarded the prize of the German-American Academic Council and the City of Krefeld). 2003 Habilitation in modern and contemporary history. Title of the postodoctoral thesis: “Lebenswenden und Zeitenwenden. Deutsche Politiker und die Erfahrungen des 20. Jahrhunderts” [Turning points. German Politicians and Experiences of the 20th century].
Positions, Assignments and Memberships
- Principal Investigator of the Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies
- Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg
- Board member of the Bavarian American Academy
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the City of Krefeld
- Member of the Jury „Das historische Buch“ of the academic web platform H-Soz-u-Kult