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Prof. Dr. Christina Koulouri

Prof. Dr. Christina Koulouri

Visiting Fellow 2019



Prof. Dr. Christina Koulouri (Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences, Athens) is visiting scholar at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) and at the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (GS OSES) from June 3 - 30, 2019

Christina Koulouri is Professor in Modern and Contemporary History and Head of the Department of Political Science and History at Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences (Athens, Greece) and Director of the Research Centre for Modern History (KENI) From 2013-2017 she was the Dean of the School of Political Sciences, Panteion University. She studied at the University of Athens (Department of History and Archaeology), the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and Paris I - Panthéon - Sorbonne where she also received her PhD. Since 1999, she is the chair of the History Education Committee of the Centre for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (CDRSEE) and general coordinator of the Joint History Project (JHP). Lecturer at many international conferences in Greece, Western and Southeast Europe, USA, Japan and China, she is also member of the editorial board of refereed academic journals and academic societies. She is author of several books and articles on the teaching of history, the history of historiography, school textbooks, national identity, public history and the history of sports and the Olympic Games. She is also the editor of six workbooks (alternative educational materials) for the teaching of modern and contemporary history in Southeast Europe. Some of her publications are: Dimensions idéologiques de l'historicité en Grèce (1834-1914). Les manuels scolaires d'histoire et de géographie, Frankfurt : Studien zur Geschichte Südosteuropas 7, 1991; Sport et société bourgeoise. Les associations sportives en Grèce 1870-1922, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2000; Clio in the Balkans. The Politics of History Education, Thessaloniki: CDRSEE, 2002 (editor and introduction); Athens, Olympic City, 1896-1906, Athens: International Olympic Academy, 2004 (editor and introduction).

Publications (selected)


Ιστορία και Γεωγραφία στα ελληνικά σχολεία (1834-1914). Γνωστικό αντικείμενο και
ιδεολογικές προεκτάσεις. Ανθολόγιο κειμένων - Βιβλιογραφία σχολικών εγχειριδίων. [History
and Geography at Greek schools, 1834-1914], Athens 1988.

Η Βιβλιοθήκη της Σχολής Καρτσιώτη στον Αγιο Ιωάννη Κυνουρίας. Από την προεπαναστατική
στη μετεπαναστατική σχολική βιβλιοθήκη [The library of Cartsiotis School at Saint John of
Kynouria. The transition from the pre-revolutionary to the post-revolutionary school library],
Astros 1991.

Dimensions idéologiques de l'historicité en Grèce (1834-1914). Les manuels scolaires d'histoire
et de géographie, Franfurt, Studien zur Geschichte Südosteuropas 7, 1991.

Μύθοι και σύμβολα μιας εθνικής επετείου. Πανηγυρικός Λόγος στον επίσημο εορτασμό της
25ης Μαρτίου. [Myths and symbols of a national day], Komotini 1995.

Τα πρόσωπα του Καποδίστρια. Ο πρώτος Κυβερνήτης της Ελλάδας και η νεοελληνική
ιδεολογία 1831-1996 [The faces of Capodistria. The first Greek Governor and modern Greek
ideology, 1831-1996], Athens 1996 (co-author: Christos Loukos).

Αθλητισμός και όψεις της αστικής κοινωνικότητας. Γυμναστικά και αθλητικά σωματεία (1870-
1922) [Sports and middle class sociability. Gymnastic and sport clubs, 1870-1922], Athens

Sport et société bourgeoise. Les associations sportives en Grèce 1870-1922, Paris :
L’Harmattan, 2000.

